@inbook{Robe/Non/2015, author = "Roberto Becerra Gac{\'i}a and Rodolfo Garc{\'i}a Berm{\'u}dez and Joya Caparr{\'o}s, Gonzalo and Abel Fern{\'a}ndez Higuera and Camilo Vel{\'a}zquez Rodr{\'i}guez and Michel Vel{\'a}zquez Mari{\~n}o and Franger Cuevas Beltr{\'a}n and Francisco Garc{\'i}a Lagos and Roberto Rodr{\'i}guez Labrada", editor = "(Ignacio Rojas, Gonzalo Joya, Andreu Catala, Eds.)", pages = "56–68", publisher = "Springer Heidelberg", series = "Part II, LNCS 9095", title = "{N}on spontaneous saccadic movements identification in clinical electrooculography using machine learning", year = "2015", }