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@inbook{Alb/Des/2019, author = "Tudela Rold{\'a}n, Alberto Jos{\'e} and Ballesteros G{\'o}mez, Joaqu{\'i}n and Bandera Rubio, Antonio Jes{\'u}s", address = "Cham", doi = "10.1007/978‐3‐319‐99885‐5_19", editor = "(R. Fuentetaja Piz{\'a}n, A. Garc{\'i}a Olaya, M. Sesmero Lorente, J. Iglesias Mart{\'i}nez, A. Ledezma Espino, eds)", isbn = "9783319998", pages = "271-283", publisher = "Springer", title = "{D}esign and {I}mplementation of a {L}ow {C}ost 3{D} {P}rinted {A}daptive {H}and", volume = "855", year = "2019", }