@inbook{Urs/2013, author = "C. Su{\'a}rez Mej{\'i}as and C. Echevarr{\'i}a and Nu{\~n}ez Trujillo, Pedro Miguel and P. Bustos Garc{\'i}a de Castro and Luis J. Manso Fern{\'a}ndez-Arguelles and Calderita Est{\'e}vez, Luis Vicente and S. Leal and C. Parra Calder{\'o}n", editor = "en Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on NeuroRehabilitaton, Part I, (J. L. Pons, D. Torricelli, M. P{\'a}jaro, Eds.)", pages = "pp. 249-253", publisher = "Springer, Berlin Heidelberg", title = "{U}rsus: {A} robotic assistant for training of children with motor impairments", year = "2013", }