Grupo ISIS

Grupo ISIS

Ingeniería de Sistemas IntegradoS

Español(Spanish Formal International)English (United Kingdom)
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Grupo ISIS - Visión


Año: 2016

Año: 2015

Año: 2014

Año: 2013

  • Calderita Estévez, L. V., Bandera Rubio, J. P., Bustos, P. & Skiadopoulos, A. (2013). Model-Based Reinforcement of Kinect Depth Data for Human Motion Capture Applications. Sensors, 13(1), 8835-8855. [Más]
  • Calderita Estévez, L. V., Bustos, P., Suarez Mejías, C., Fernandez, F. & Bandera Rubio, A. J. (2013). ATHERAPIST: Towards an autonomous socially interactive robot for motor and neurorehabilitation therapies for children, Venice, Italy, 7th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare and Workshops (PervasiveHealth 2013. [Más]
  • Calderita Estévez, L. V., Bustos, P., Suarez Mejías, C., Ferrer Gonzalez, B. & Bandera Rubio, A. J. (2013). Rehabilitation for children while playing with a robotic assistant in a serious game, Vilamoura, Algarve (Portugal), 1st International Congress on Neurotechnology, Electronics and Informatics (NEUROTECHNIX 2013). [Más]
  • Cid Álvarez, J. M., Prado, J., Bustos, P. & Nuñez Trujillo, P. M. (2013). A Real Time and Robust Facial Expression Recognition and Imitation approach for Affective Human-Robot Interaction Using Gabor filtering, Tokyo, Japan, 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2013). [Más]
  • Cid, F., A. Prado, J., Manzano, P., Bustos, P. & Nuñez Trujillo, P. M. (2013). Imitation System for Humanoid Robotics Heads. Journal of Physical Agents, 7(1), 23-30. [Más]
  • Drews, P., Nuñez Trujillo, P. M., P. Rocha, R., Campos, M. & Dias, J. (2013). Novelty detection and segmentation based on Gaussian mixture models: A case study in 3D robotic laser mapping. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 61(1696-1709), 12. [Más]
  • Drews, P., da Silva Filho, S. C., F. Marcolino, L. & Nuñez Trujillo, P. M. (2013). Fast and adaptive 3D change detection algorithm for autonomous robots based on Gaussian mixture models, Karlsruhe, Germany, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2013). [Más]
  • Palomino López, A., García Olaya, Á., Fernández, F. & Bandera Rubio, J. P. (2013). From Perception to Action and vice versa: a new architecture showing how perception and action can modulate each other simultaneously, Barcelona, Spain, 6th European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR 2013). [Más]
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