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Grupo ISIS - Manuel Fernández Carmona
Year: 2019
Fernández Carmona, M., Parekh, T. & Hanheide, M. (2019). Making the case for human-aware navigation in warehouses, LNCS, LNAI, London; United Kingdom.[More]
Rocha, A. & Guarda, T., editors. (2018). Smartphone-Based Vehicle Emission Estimation, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC), Cham, Springer, Universidad Estatal Península de Santa Elena.[More]
Year: 2017
Bellotto, N., Fernández Carmona, M. & Cosar, S. (2017). ENRICHME integration of ambient intelligence and robotics for AAL, Stanford, CA, USA, Wellbeing AI: From Machine Learning to Subjectivity Oriented Computing (AAAI 2017 Spring Symposium).[More]
Fernández Carmona, M., Coppola, C., Cosar, S. & Bellotto, N. (2017). Entropy-based abnormal activity detection fusing RGB-D and domotic sensors.[More]
Heshmat, M., Fernández Carmona, M., Yan, Z. & Belloto, N. (2017). Active human detection with a mobile robot.[More]
Year: 2016
Broughton, G., Krajnik, T., Fernández Carmona, M., Cielniak, G. & Bellotto, N (2016). RFID-based Object Localisation with a Mobile Robot to Assist the Elderly with Mild Cognitive Impairments, pages 366-375. United Kingdom : IOS Press.[More]
Fernández Carmona, M. & Belloto, N. (2016). On-line inference comparison with Markov logic network engines for activity recognition in AAL environments, London, United Kingdom, 12th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE 2016).[More]
Jane Delany, (., Ontañón, S. & ), E., editors. (2013b). Learning-Based Adaptation for Personalized Mobility Assistance, LNAI 7969, pp. 329-342, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.[More]
Pérez Rodríguez, E. J., Fernández Carmona, M., Peula Palacios, J. M. & Santos Pérez, M. (2012). Utilización de Moodle en la coordinación de docente departamental, Granada, III Jornadas sobre Innovación Docente y Adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior en las Titulaciones Técnicas (INDOTEC 2012).[More]
Year: 2011
On Robotics, I. I. & (ICRA 2011), A., editors. (2011). Navigation skills based profiling for collaborative wheelchair control, Shanghai, China.[More]