Bustos García, P., Manso Argüelles, L., Bandera Rubio, A. J., Bandera Rubio, J. P., García Varea, I. & Martínez Gómez, J. (2019). The CORTEX cognitive robotics architecture: Use cases. Cognitive Systems Research, 55, 107-123.[More]
Marfil Robles, R., Miranda Dias, J. M., Bandera Rubio, A. J. & Azzopardi, G. (2019). Cooperative and social robots understanding human activities and intentions. Pattern Recognition Letters, 118(118), 1-2.[More]
Mendoza, C., Bachiller, P., Bandera Rubio, A. J. & Bustos, P (2019). Visual Attention Mechanisms Revisited, pages 100-114. Cham : Springer.[More]
Bandera Rubio, A. J., B. Dias, J., Vincze, M. & J. Manso, L. (2018). Special issue on cognitive robotics. Cognitive Processing, 19(2), 231-232.[More]
Hidalgo Paniagua, A., Bandera Rubio, J. P., De Quintanilla, M. R. & Bandera Rubio, A. J. (2018). Quad-RRT: A real-time GPU-based global path planner in large-scale real environments. Expert Systems With Applications, 99, 141-154.[More]
Martínez, J., Romero Garcés, J. A., Suárez, C., Marfil Robles, R., Hing Ting, K. L., Iglesias, A. et al. (2018). Towards a robust robotic assistant for Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment procedures: updating the CLARC system.[More]
Mendoza, C., Bachiller, P., Bandera Rubio, A. J. & Bustos, P. (2018). Visual Attention Mechanisms Revisited.[More]
Bandera Rubio, A. J. (2017). Special issue on advances on physical agents 2016. Journal of Physical Agents, 8(1), 1-2.[More]
Ollero, A., Sanfeliu, A., Montano, L., Lau, N. & Cardeira, C., editors. (2017). LifeBots I: Building the Software Infrastructure for Supporting Lifelong Technologies, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC), Cham, Springer, SEIDROB – Sociedad Española para la Investigación y Desarrollo en Robótica - and SPR – Sociedade Portuguesa de Robótica.[More]
C. Pulido, J., C. González, J., Suárez-Mejías, C., Bandera Rubio, A. J., Bustos, P. & Fernández, F. (2017). Evaluating the Child–Robot Interaction of the NAOTherapist Platform in Pediatric Rehabilitation. International Journal of Social Robotics, 9(3), 343-358.[More]
Ollero, A., Sanfeliu, A., Montano, L., Lau, N. & Cardeira, C., editors. (2017). CLARC: A Cognitive Robot for Helping Geriatric Doctors in Real Scenarios, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC), Cham, Springer, SEIDROB – Sociedad Española para la Investigación y Desarrollo en Robótica - and SPR – Sociedade Portuguesa de Robótica.[More]
Year: 2016
Bandera Rubio, A. J., Bandera Rubio, J. P., Bustos, P., García Varea, I., Manso, L. & Martínez Gómez, J. (2016a). CORTEX: A new architecture for social robots, Vienna, Austria, 2016 EUCognition Conference on Cognitive Robot Architectures.[More]
Calderón, M., Marfil Robles, R. & Bandera Rubio, A. J (2016). Segmentation and Classification of Geoenvironmental Zones of Interest in Aerial Images Using the Bounded Irregular Pyramid, pages 290-301. Springer Switzerland.[More]
González, M., Sánchez Pedraza, A., Marfil Robles, R. & Bandera Rubio, A. J. (2016). Foveal vision mapping and multiscale segmentation within an AP SoC, Málaga, Spain, XVII Workshop of Physical Agents (WAF 2016).[More]
Manso, L., Calderita Estévez, L. V., Bustos, P. & Bandera Rubio, A. J. (2016). Use and advances in the Active Grammar-based Modeling architecture, Málaga, Spain, XVII Workshop of Physical Agents (WAF 2016).[More]