Grupo ISIS

Grupo ISIS

Ingeniería de Sistemas IntegradoS

Español(Spanish Formal International)English (United Kingdom)
Feeds Sitemap
Inicio Research Projects

Research Areas

  • Electrical Networks Management

    Electrica Networks Management The research group's work in this area has two major lines: application of computational intelligence techniques to power systems, and the use of new technologies for the development of intelligent electronic devices for the remote monitorization and control of power system. In the field of application of computational intelligence techniques have been developed several applications based on ANN (Artificial Neural Networks) for predicting electric energy demand, for the evaluation and monitoring of contingencies, and to estimate the topology of the power network to improve the results of state estimation algorithms. On the other hand, the group is developing algorithms and devices that make use of the latest communication and information processing technologies for application to distribution networks (electricity, water, gas, etc.), enabling future efficient and sustainable use of resources. This area include the development of algorithms for graphical representation of the state of the network using topological colors, use of wireless technologies for network monitoring, and implementation of intelligent devices for remote control of the power network.

  • Ambient Intelligence

    amivitalOur Ambient Intelligence (AmI) research group emerged via specialization from the general Integrated Systems group. Our first experience in AmI was CTAN project No. 8.06/5.58.2758: TELEADM. Its aim was to develop advanced monitoring systems that would allow chronic patients or patients in rehabilitation to live in their own home environment, reducing hospitalization time. The project won the "Ciudadano" award from the association AERTEDI in 2007.

  • Computational Intelligence

    neural The area of advanced computing has as main objective theoretical study and practical implementation of several techniques of computational intelligence to engineering problems. Over the past years, the group has contributed significantly to the improvement of paradigms of advanced computing such as are neural networks (NN) and genetic algorithms (GA) through numerous scientific works and doctoral theses, as well as its application of several engineering problems.


    Among the most prominent works in this area include the implementation of the RNA to the management of electrical power and water systems, forecasting of temporal series and robotic.

    At present, the group is working in the application of these techniques to autonomous mobile systems, the modeling of dynamical systems and to the realization of measurements of very high precision of power energy under non-sinusoidal conditions.

  • Augmented Reality

    El grupo de Realidad Aumentada (RA) de ISIS arrancó a partir de un proyecto interno para alimentar la librería GPL ARToolkit con ficheros de tipo 3D Studio (3ds), que dió lugar a la empresa ARPA Solutions a partir del programa spin-off de la Universidad de Málaga. El grupo se ha mantenido en colaboración con dicha empresa desde entonces en distintos contratos para desarrollo de aplicaciones comerciales RA. La actividad en el área se afianzó con la obtención del proyecto SIAMA, para aplicaciones RA en la rama del patrimonio cultural, subvencionado por la Junta de Andalucía dentro de su programa de proyectos de Excelencia. SIAMA ha generado distintas aplicaciones con licencia bsd.

  • Autonomous Robots

     The Autonomous Systems group appeared officially in 1994 within the ISIS group, when we obtained project CICYT (TIC95-0589), our first funded project in Robotics. Then, we got funded with project CICYT TIC98-0562, to create an autonomous exploration system based on active vision and VLSI implementation of working algorithms, and project MCYT-FEDER TIC2001-1758, to create indoor 3D models of the environment using an explorer. Later, we started new, more specific lines on humanoids, assistive robots and robotic arm control, all funded by public national or international investment. The work of this group is tightly coupled to the Vision group and, indeed, most its members have worked or work at the moment in both areas.

  • Vision

    SegmentacionComputer vision and image processing have been two of the main research fields at ISIS group since it was created. Along its lifetime, ISIS group has contributed in different topics related to these fields such as foveal and multiresolution vision, stereo vision, hierarchical image representation, segmentation, tracking or recognition. In the last years, apart from keeping on the work in these areas, the thigh relation between this group and the Robotics group allowed to define a main objective for the Vision group in order to focus its contributions. This objective is the creation of a complete perceptual system for a social robot, based on active vision. Thus, higher level topics has been addressed by the vision group such as hybrid attentional mechanisms, pure vision-based human motion capture, and recognition and learning of social gestures.

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