Acción Integrada Hispano-Portuguesa HP2007-0005

Visual-based interface for robots and intelligent environments

The objective will be to establish a scenario where our research groups can discuss and analyse the development of a visual-based interface for human-computer interaction. The goal for interface developers should be the creation of an interface which will be responsive to human needs and considerate of human frailties. In order to develop this interface, the designers need an understanding of the relevant information on how both humans and machines operate. This interface will be developed to allow a human to interact with a social robot or with an intelligent environment. In both cases, the internal computer should be invisible, not demanding human user adaptation, but offering the benefits of its data-processing power.

Programa de Acciones Integradas
Duración: 1 Enero 2008 - 31 Diciembre 2009


Última modificación: 01.03.2008